Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C/Gas 7). #To Make the Plum Puree# Put the apple, plums, sugar and stock into a saucepan. Bring to the boil, lower the heat and simmer for 10 minutes until the fruit is soft. Press the fruit through a strainer into a bowl and set it aside.Duck-Breasts-with-Chicory-Recipe-Mediterranean-Style-steps #To Cook the Main Dish# Stir the lemon juice into a saucepan of lightly salted water and bring to the boil.
Cut the heads of chicory length-ways into quarters and add to the pan. Cook for 3 minutes, then drain and set aside.
Score the duck breasts, brush with honey and sprinkle with a little salt. Transfer to a baking sheet and bake for 6-9 minutes, depending on weight.
Brush the chicory pieces with oil and place them alongside the duck. Bake for 6 minutes more.
Stir the sherry and balsamic vinegar into the puree and season to taste with salt and pepper.
Arrange the chicory pieces on a platter. Slice the duck breasts and fan them out on top of the chicory. Spoon the puree over the top and serve.