A good sauce highlights the qualities of the food it accompanies without disguising its taste. The delicate texture and taste of sauteed chicken is enhanced by a light sauce with just a hint of sharpness to lend vigor to the dish. The sauce prepared here, which pairs well with sauteed chicken, is flavored with red wine vinegar and chopped shallots.
The vinegar is reduced, to concentrate its flavor and give it more body. To finish, butter that has been cut up into small pieces is stirred into the sauce to bind it and give it a velvety texture. When the butter is absorbed in the hot—not boiling—vinegar, it goes into suspension. But the sauce will separate if heated further, so as soon as the butter and vinegar have blended, pour the sauce over the chicken pieces and serve.
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Deglazing with Vinegar:

Pour off any excess fat from frying the chicken and use the same pan to saute finely chopped shallots. Stir over low heat until the shallots are lightly colored. Add the vinegar and deglaze the pan.
Transferring to a Saucepan:

Pour the vinegar and shallots into a small saucepan. The smaller diameter of the pan will make it easier to control the rate at which the liquid reduces.
Reducing the Liquid:

Boil the vinegar over brisk heat until it has reduced to the consistency of a light syrup. While the liquid is reducing, test its consistency frequently with a wire whisk.
Enriching with butter:

After cutting the butter into small chunks, take the pan off the heat and add the butter all at once. Whisk (left) until the butter blends into the vinegar. Season with salt and pepper to taste, then pour the sauce onto the chicken.
Calories: 349 Kcal
Carbs: 17 g
Fat: 20 g
Protein: 23 g
Cholesterol: 86 mg