These easy recipes will give you meals brimming with the nutrients you need to fight ageing and disease. Red wine contains melatonin and other antioxidants which prevent early signs of ageing. SERVINGS: 4 PREP TIME: 8 minutesCOOK TIME: 15 minutes TOTAL TIME: 30 minutesCALORIES: 490Beef stew-stew recipe-ground beef recipe-beef roast recipe
Beef roast-beef stroganoff recipe-beef stroganoffGREEN PEA MASH:
200 g frozen peas
30 ml (2 tbsp) butter
2 cloves garlic, crushed
Salt and pepper
10 mint leaves, finely chopped
62 ml (‘A cup) cream and sour cream mixture
1 RED WINE POACHED BEEF Pour the wine or tea, orange juice and beef stock in a pot and add the orange zest, cinnamon sticks, bay leaves, garlic, rosemary and onion. Heat until It simmers. 2 Cut the meat into four equal portions, season with salt and pepper and tie a string around each piece to retain the shape. 3 Add the onion and garlic to the stock, bring back to simmer and then add the meat. Cook for about 7 minutes.Red Wine Poached Beef With Pea Mash-beef recipe-recipes-beef stew recipe4 Remove meat from the liquid and in a hot pan sear the fillets for a few seconds on each side for a bit of colour. Set aside and allow to rest before cutting or serving. 5GREEN PEA MASH Put the frozen peas into boiling water for 5-8 minutes. Drain and add butter, garlic, salt, pepper, mint and cream. Mash all the ingredients coarsely together and serve with the fillets, baby roast potatoes and sour cream. TİPS: A cheaper cut of beef such as chuck or sirloin can be used but note that cooking time in the poaching liquid will then increase to 10-15 minutes.NUTRITION FACTS: Calories 490
Sodium 110 mg
Total Fat 10 g
Potassium 0 mg
Saturated 4 g
Total Carbs 49 g
Polyunsaturated 0 g
Dietary Fiber 4 g
Monounsaturated 0 g
Sugars 4 g
Trans 0 g
Protein 55 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Vitamin A 0%
Calcium 0%
Vitamin C 0%
Iron 0%Beef recipe-recipes-beef stew recipe beef stew-stew recipe-ground beef recipe