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Nutrients in Yogurt and Delicious Recipes to Prepare With It

Nutrients in Yogurt and Delicious Recipes to Prepare With It-tips-step by step

This live product (pasteurized milk combined with two beneficial bacteria) is perhaps most associated with the Middle Eastern countries, where it is used extensively in cooking.

A thick variety of it, Greek yogurt, has a creamy consistency. It is strained to remove most of its whey.

Yogurt is used as a marinade, a dip and to enrich soups and stews. It can be made from goat’s, ewe’s or cow’s milk.

Scroll below to see the nutrients and calories in yogurt (yoghurt).



Amount per 100 grams of yogurt

Calories 61.0 kcal
Protein 3.5 g
Total Carbohydrate 4.7 g
– Sugars 4.7 g
Total Fat 3.3 g
 – Saturated Fat 2.1 g
 – Monounsaturated Fat 0.9 g
 – Polyunsaturated Fat 0.1 g
 – Total Omega-3 fatty acids 27.0 mg
 – Total Omega-6 fatty acids 65.0 mg
Riboflavin 0.1 mg
Folate 7.0 mcg
Vitamin B12 0.4 mcg
Pantothenic Acid 0.4 mg
Choline 15.2 mg
