
Originally, buttermilk was the liquid that remained after making butter from cream, hence its name. It is now made from skim (reduced-fat) milk and cultures. It has a slightly acidic taste and a thick consistency. Buttermilk not only adds flavour to cooking, its acid content also reacts with raising agents, giving some baked and flour products a lighter texture.
Calories: 40 Kcal

Cream comes in a variety of forms from single, or pouring, cream to thickened cream, which has gelatin added. Gelatin helps the cream hold its shape when whipped. Cream should be well chilled before whipping. Cream also comes as thick, or double, cream, which has a higher butterfat content, making it easy to spoon and dollop. Clotted cream has been heated to just below boiling point, and then cooled. It is thick and has a rich nutty flavor and, often, a yellowish crust. Serve clotted cream with cakes, fruits and puddings.
Calories: 45 Kcal
Sour Cream

Sour cream is cream with a culture added, which slightly sours and thickens the cream. Sour cream is often used in cheesecakes, cakes, sauces and soups. Sour cream makes a great topping for baked potatoes and is a quick accompaniment for many savory dishes.
Calories: 193 Kcal
Coconut Cream

Coconut cream is the extract from the first pressing of the grated flesh of mature coconuts. Subsequent pressings make coconut milk.
Coconut cream is a thick greyish-white milk, which is used in sweets or curries. It will curdle if boiled. To prevent curdling, gently simmer coconut cream or add a paste of cornflour (cornstarch) and water if it is to be well heated.
Calories: 330 Kcal

Cows’ milk is the most readily available form of milk. It is usually sold in homogenized form, which means the cream is evenly distributed through the milk. It is also pasteurized, which means it has been heat treated to kill any bacteria that could spoil the milk. Pasteurization also gives the milk a longer shelf life.
Calories: 42 Kcal

Yogurt is made by warming milk and adding a culture of safe bacteria that thickens the milk to a smooth, spoonable consistency. Yogurt has a fresh, tangy taste. It can be made with cows’, sheep’s, or goats’ milk. Yogurt makes a good substitute for sour cream.
Calories: 59 Kcal