#Bistecca ai ferri (beef steak grilled over the fire) is sometimes called bistecca alla fiorentina; it is the signature dish of Florence, but the people of Cortona, in eastern Tuscany, also claim it as theirs.# Preheat the grill to 400CF or smoking hot, in order to get a good searing. You can use a hot flat grill, cast iron grill pan or open charcoal grill.
Season steak with salt and black pepper. Rub steak with olive oil to prevent it from sticking on the grill. Grill steak to your preferred doneness.
Arrange steak in a warm plate to maintain its temperature. Place a generous amount of baby arugula on top of the steak, and shaved Parmesan cheese or edam cheese.
Rib eye steak Drizzle with a good quality extra virgin olive oil. Serve with alfredo pasta or risotto.