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How to Use, Choose and Preserve Lemons | Benefits of Lemons

Nutrients in Lemons-How to Use Lemons-Choose Lemon and Store Lemons-Preserve

These bright yellow citrus fruits originated in India and Malaysia and were brought by the Assyrians to Greece, which in turn took them to Italy. The Greeks and Romans greatly appreciated their culinary and medicinal qualities. Later seafarers ate them in large quantities to protect against scurvy, and society ladies used them as a beauty treatment to whiten their skin, bleach their hair and redden their lips. LEMONS; are another gift of Nature to us, not just for making lemonades and marinades! Lemons please our visual, our taste and our olfactory senses, and are also very beneficial to help alleviate and fight many ailments and diseases we could encounter. Lemons; are one of the most popular ingredients in any kitchen (they have thousands of uses) and are beneficial for our health and well-being, loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants.

Calories and Nutrients in Lemons

They are rich in vitamin C and have an aromatic flavor which enhances almost any dish.
Lemon, loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants.

Benefits of Lemons

Are beneficial for our health and well-being, loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants. It is also useful in the household in many ways; I rub a cut lemon across my cutting boards to disinfect them, to remove strong odors (fish, garlic, etc.) from my hands.

  • AGAINST DANDRUFF; as soon as dandruff appears, apply the juice of one lemon to your hair. Rub in well and let stand at least 30 minutes before washing hair with neutral shampoo or soap.
  • AGAINST DIARRHEA; to stop diarrhea due to food poisoning or excessive alcohol intake, drink 1 c of strong tea, without sugar but with the juice of two lemons.
  • TO ASSIST LIVER FUNCTION; If your liver is a bit sensitive or a bit damaged, drink the juice of 2 lemons in a cup of hot water. Even more: if you feel some pain in the hepatic region, apply hot lemon slices directly on the skin (Believe it or not!)
  • AGAINST HEARTBURN; lemon is a great antacid for the stomach. Take the juice of one lemon diluted in one cup of warm water half an hour or 45 minutes before each meal.
  • TO BURN FAT; drink one lemon’s juice diluted in a glass of water (warm or room temperature) half an hour before each meal. The lemon is a good stimulator of the metabolism.
  • FOR FLESH WOUNDS; if you get a cut or wound and you don’t have any other antiseptic solution at hand, pour some lemon juice on clean cotton and apply it to the wound.
  • TO CURE HICCUPS; drink a cup of warm water with the juice of a lemon.
  • TO STRENGTHEN WEAK NAILS; dip them everyday in lemon juice and you’ll see the great results in a short time.
  • TO AVOID ASTHMA ATTACKS; leave 2 sliced lemons in a cup of water over night. Drink a little of this solution half an hour before every meal.
  • TO INDUCE PERSPIRATION; drink a cup of hot infusion made from the peels of 2 lemons with linden flower tea.

How to Use Lemons

Lemon is an extraordinarily versatile fruit and it is used in many different ways for many different purposes.

  • Its juice can be squeezed to make a refreshing drink.
  • The juice also can be added to tea, dressings and sauces.
  • It is an antioxidant, and prevents discoloration when brushed over fruits and vegetables which have a tendency to turn brown when cut.
  • A squeeze of lemon juice makes a difference to bland foods, such as fish, poultry, veal or certain vegetables. Its acidity also helps to bring out the flavor of other fruits.
  • The zest makes a wonderfully aromatic flavoring for cakes and pastries, and is an essential ingredient in many desserts.
  • Quartered lemons are served with fried fish and other foods fried in batter.

How to Choose Lemons

Depending on the variety, lemons may have thick indented skins, or be perfectly smooth. Their appearance does not affect the flavor, but they should feel heavy for their size, which indicates plenty of juice. If you intend to use the zest, buy unwaxed lemons.

How to Store Lemons

Lemons will keep in the fridge for up to two weeks. Another way to store lemons is to preserve them in brine. To prepare preserved lemons keep them in a salt-lemon juice mixture for about 30 days. Spices such as cinnamon, cloves and coriander are sometimes added as well. Preserved lemons have a silken texture and a very distinctive flavor. They are an indispensable ingredient in Moroccan cooking and are widely used as flavoring by many of the leading chefs.

How to Eat Lemons (combinations)

  • Papaya, pineapple & mango all decorated with lime-lemon wedges and red currants- a real feast for the eyes and the tummy! A real beautifier!
  • In Summer: nectarine & peach salad: cut them in wedges and mix them with a little bit of lemon juice. Mix them well. Delicious!
  • LEMON WATER; lemon rounds.
  • LEMONGRASS WATER; one washed fresh lemongrass sprig.
  • LEMON BALM; is very much used to treat insomnia, depression and anxiety. Relieves bloating and flatulence. Promotes transpiration (excellent detoxifier), also has been used to treat headaches and migraines.

How to Preserved Lemons and Limes

Lemons or limes preserved in salt develop a rich, mellow flavour. To make preserved lemons, scrub and quarter the fruits almost through to the base and rub the cut sides with salt. Pack together tightly into a large sterilized jar. Half fill the jar with more salt, adding some bay leaves, peppercorns and cinnamon, and any other spices, if liked. Cover completely with lemon juice. Top with a lid and store for two weeks, shaking the jar daily. Add a little olive oil to seal and use within one to six months, washing off the salt before use.

Tips and Notes

By the way, did you know that a lemon tree can produce 2000 lemons in a year?

LIMES; are similar to lemons, smaller and green.


Nutrients in lemons (100 g)

Calories 29 kcal
Fat 0.3 g
Potassium 138 mg
Total Carbohydrate 9 g
  Dietary fiber 2.8 g
  Sugar 2.5 g
Protein 1.1 g
Vitamin A 30.0 IU
Vitamin C 77.0 mg
Thiamin 0.1 mg