Other suitable fish: cod, coley, hake, halibut, hoki
#This fish pie recipe, a traditional favorite, uses cooked, flaked white fish, with chopped hard-boiled eggs and prawns in a fish-flavored white sauce. Fish is also used for the fish pie sauce recipe. The topping of piped mashed potatoes is browned in the oven for a hearty hot meal. This is certainly the best fish pie you will ever eat!# Make the potato topping and hard-boil the eggs: Wash and peel the potatoes. Cut them into pieces. Half-fill a medium saucepan with water, add salt, then the potatoes, and bring to a boil.
Simmer the potatoes until tender when pierced with the tip of the small knife, 15-20 minutes. Meanwhile, hard-boil and shell the eggs
Drain the potatoes thoroughly. Using the potato masher, mash the potatoes in the saucepan. "Thoroughly cooked potatoes mash easily"
Heat the milk in a small saucepan. Add the butter, salt, and pepper to the milk and stir until mixed. Pour the hot milk mixture into the potatoes.
Beat the mixture constantly over medium heat until the potatoes are light and fluffy, about 5 minutes. Taste the potatoes for seasoning.
Let the potatoes cool slightly, then spoon them into the piping bag fitted with the star nozzle Let the potatoes cool slightly, then spoon them into the piping bag fitted with the star nozzle. Set aside. "Fold piping bag over hand for support while filling with mashed potato" "Fluffy mashed potato will be easy to pipe" #Cook the Fish And Make The Sau# Peel and quarter the onion. Pour the milk into te saute pan, then add the peppercorns, bay leaves, and onion quarters to the milk.
Bring the milk mixture to a boil, then remove from the heat. Cover the saute pan and let stand in a warm place to infuse, about 10 minutes.
With the chefs knife, cut each of the fillets across into pieces.
Add the fish to the milk mixture, cover the pan Add the fish to the milk mixture, cover the pan, and simmer until the fish flakes easily when tested with a fork, 5-10 minutes, depending on the thickness of the fillets. "Milk infused with flavourings makes aromatic cooking liquid for fish" "Fish pieces will cook quickly"
Transfer the fish to a large plate, using the slotted spoon; reserve the cooking liquid. Let the fish cool, then flake with a fork. “To find any leftover bones, pick over the fish with your fingers."
Strip the parsley leaves from the stalks and pile them on the chopping board. With the chef's knife, coarsely chop the parsley leaves. "Parsley will add fresh flavour to sauce" "Pinch off leaves from stalks with fingers"
To make the sauce, gently melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Whisk in the flour and cook until foaming, 30-60 seconds.
Remove the butter and flour mixture from the heat Remove the butter and flour mixture from the heat. Pour the reserved fish cooking liquid through the sieve into the butter and flour mixture.
Whisk the liquid into the sauce, then return to the heat, and cook, whisking constantly, until the sauce boils and thickens. Season with salt and pepper and simmer 2 minutes. "Constant whisking makes sauce glossy and smooth" TAKE CARE: If the sauce forms lumps at any stage, stop heating and whisk vigorously. If this is not sufficient, strain the sauce.
Stir the chopped parsley into the sauce, using the whisk. Taste for seasoning. #Assemble and Bake the Pie # Heat the oven to 180° C (350° F, Gas 4). Melt some butter and butter the pie dish.
Set the hard-boiled eggs on the chopping board and chop them coarsely with the chef's knife. "Grip egg with fingertips as you chop" "Hard-boiled eggs add body and texture to pie"
Ladle one-third of the sauce into the bottom of the pie dish.
Spoon the flaked haddock on top of the sauce, distributing the fish in an even layer.
Cover the fish with the remaining sauce Cover the fish with the remaining sauce, then distribute the prawns evenly on the surface. "Arrange prawns on sauce"
Sprinkle the chopped hard-boiled eggs over the top of the prawns.
Pipe the mashed potatoes in rosettes on top of the assembled pie Pipe the mashed potatoes in rosettes on top of the assembled pie, so that it is covered completely. Bake the pie in the heated oven until the potato topping is brown and the sauce bubbles around the edge, 20-30 minutes. “Alternatively, spread the mashed potatoes over the top of the pie, making peaks with a fork" "Be sure eggs and prawns are completely covered with potato rosettes" #TO SERVE# Recipe fish pie-fish pie easy-recipe for fish pie Serve the pie hot from the pie dish, onto warmed individual plates. "Piped potato rosettes are an appealing topping" "Pie filling is moist . and richly flavoured with a delicious combination of fish and prawns"