This cool and refreshing mousse makes a perfect summer starter. Other blue-veined cheeses, such as bleu d’Auvergne or fourme d’Ambert, may be used instead Roquefort.
COOK TIME: 10 min
READY TIME: 5 h 10 min
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- 18 cm (7 in) piece cucumber
- 10 ml (2 tsp) powdered gelatine
- 15 ml (5 tbsp) cold water
- 100 g (3 ½) oz Roquefort cheese
- 200 g (7 oz) full-, medium- or low-fat soft cheese
- 45 ml (3 tbsp) crème fraîche or soured cream
- Cayenne or white pepper
- Seedless red and green grapes and mint leaves, to garnish
1 Peel the cucumber and cut lengthways into quarters. Remove the seeds and cut the cucumber strips into 2.5 cm/1 in pieces.

2 Sprinkle the gelatine over the cold water in a small heatproof bowl. Let the gelatine stand to soften for about 2 minutes, then place the bowl in a shallow pan of simmering water. Heat until the gelatine is dissolved, stirring occasionally.
3 In a food processor fitted with the metal blade, process the cheeses and cream until smooth. Add the dissolved gelatine and process to blend. Add the cucumber and pulse to chop finely without completely reducing it to a purée. Season with cayenne or white pepper.
4 Rinse a 1.5 litre/2 ½ pint dish or mould with cold water. Carefully spoon the mixture into the dish or mould and tap gently to remove air bubbles. Chill for 4—6 hours or overnight until well set.

5 To turn out, run a knife around the edge of the dish or mould, dip in hot water for 10-15 seconds and wipe the wet base. Place a large plate over the top of the dish and invert both together, shaking firmly to release the mousse. Garnish with grapes and mint leaves.